Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Missing Socks

This is just in case. It began as a potential vacation response for an email acct.

    "So, did I tell you...?"  I rescued a dog, having been confined to a pen, and receiving too little interaction. 5 weeks of approaching him, talking to him, and interacting with the other dog. Three weeks after being able to enter the cage, he warms up to the point where I can actually take him in the house.   Getting a steak out of the fridge, I set up the ol' George Foreman grill. Well seasoned and slathered, I tossed it onto the sizzling surface, closing the top down for one more long hiss.

After charring it up, cooking the fat to that melt-in-your mouth point- Kibbling the dog with it for the rest of the day.

So, Now, we are great buddies. He walks on the leash like he has done it forever. Socks knows what I say, when I say it.    Outside of being a Great Dane Pitbull, needing to run, he's great, but you can't call him in after the adrenalin's flowing. 

Having him out of the pen- working with him in the house, I put him out on a heavy cable, which has spring loaded safety.  The plan- leave him out for half hour or so, then continue.      While inside, the dogs horse around- 2 stay. Then the clips fails, and off they run. Oh, dogs love the chasing game. 
That was that, they're off.
I booted and suited, dashing out the door with a line.

The smallest is the antagonist, a male Shitzu, and then a 1 year old male Mastiff Pitbull- 
That Also loves to run, but he doesn't leave the house or property...unless this scenario happens.                          #MurphysLaw

Neighbors called the cops. They come, but only disturb things, when I had just about had control. Well cops are cops. They gotta jump right in and take control.
It looked like I'd not get him- he'd get shot. The cop tries tazering him, of course the dog's gonna snarl at him now...  It was a fail. Socks is too quick. And why a tazer to a dog? That just insured the dogs demeanor for later on!
After I asked them to just back up a bit, Finally, they did.   Socks ended up following me home, and into the garage, where I shut the door behind him-  now walking him to the pen.

We all have a chat, they hand me a fine, and all's good....
until they call the next day, claiming him with a dangerous dog warrant-  only to euthanize him. UNLESS, we surrender our 2 year old Socks to the Humane Society.
They threatened the homeowner. They only issued Me, $148 in fines the day before- and it's not even my dog! It belongs to the homeowners daughter. And, she, is the one who asked me to work with him, after she witnessed him cooperating with me. She just kept him a prisoner. There was no choice for me, but to make up for lost time.

For weeks, I publicized for a home for him. Now it costs me another $60 to take him in, where I explain the details of him, the care he has been getting- his training. All while explaining why I understand him, and has been helping me cope with medical issues, practically bawling almost an hour. They assured me that I could visit. Preparing to let several days pass before returning.

A week later, returning with special meat treats wrapped in foil, we returned to the shelter- having a little distance to help digest it all.     Once inside, I announced that I was there to see the boy. 
An office girl dashes in to get the woman running it- for what I don't know. She's not what I came to see. Well, for over 40 minutes she prevented me from seeing the dog. She only bickered with me beyond pressure capacity of my bitchometer. She knew I was upset, having come so close to closing time, to spend a few minutes with Socks.    I threw my head back and said, "I'm rrrrready to start shootin'."  At this point I had been lied to, and possibly double crossed. And she knew I was a writer, reiterating shooting off powerful letters to those with ears.         My suspicion, that the cops put the dog down, when the Human Society Shelter 's entire staff reassured me that they find homes for all dogs. Discovering that it costs $250 to get Socks to a home with someone I had already been talking to- that was an unfair price. So 148 +68 +250= $466.00 incurred seems correct.  Oh, it gets better.

Sickened with wasting my time with people whom only want to fight, we leave very disappointed.
3 hours later, 2 thugs come to the house to badger me with psychological warfare, and intimidation.
13 minutes later, they arrest me. They have no cause, going on hear-say that I was going to come and shoot everyone! Only they didn't come out and ask me if I had stated anything like it, they merely tried to provoke myself to the point of aggravation. The entire conversation was recorded...
by my security system. (loooonnnggg slow breathhhhhh) I plan to use some soundbites in upcoming ideas. So, anyway...

After spending the night in their little prison, I am released on my own recognizance by noon. Further denied contact with the dog, shelter or, employees. No word on Socks being seen there.
Hearing date coming soon.

Hopefully you enjoyed that little drama show...

Peace, Love, Care- Prospect Studio